Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Rants of A "Disney Loving" Mormon Girl

HOW IS DISNEYLAND SO MAGICAL?!?! It seems to just get better and better as time goes on. It continues to baffle me. Each time I go, I wonder if I'm going to have as much fun as I did last time, and no matter who I go with, how hot it is, if it's raining, or how crowded the park is, I have a great time. Maybe there are some days greater than others, but I've never had a bad time at Disneyland.

I recently renewed my pass....
after almost 2 years of not going, and whenever I choose to do that, people always tell me I'll regret it because of the cost, but I don't. Never do. I probably never will. Yeah anything Disney is expensive, but Disney also gives you the happiest memories you could ever ask for. For me, not for everyone (My friend Kyle is a Disney hater....shame), the money is totally worth it.
I was basically brought into this world as a Disney fan.

I am so lucky to have been able to grow up just a short drive from Disneyland.
Disneyland was a family activity. It's where we spent a lot of our bonding time together.
Not everyone is so lucky to live a 10-15 minute drive from this beautiful place. Disneyland became like my second home, if I wasn't at home or at a rehearsal for whatever show I was in.....I was at Disneyland. As I got older I was there even more often. In high school I used to go almost every Friday after school and stay til closing (midnight).

I'd go with different people.
Go on different rides.

Meet different characters.

Disney-bound as different characters 
(In picturesAriel and Belle, then Minnie Mouse and Mickey Mouse)

Disney-bounding: Disney fans pick a character they want to portray and model an outfit using certain color pallets and accessories. It’s not as outlandish as cosplaying and subtle enough to be able to go out in public and look nice but still get nods of approval from Disney fans (see gallery below the interview).
The trend has become extremely popular in the parks the past couple of years and fans even make it a point to find the character their portraying and and snap a picture with them.
I'll never forget all of the magical memories I've made inside a Disney park. My childhood revolves around all things Disney. Since my brother and I both have renewed our passes, last night we went to Disneyland JUST to watch the newish Paint The Night parade and fireworks show. That's what I love about having an annual pass. You can go and do so little, and have a great time because you don't have to worry about getting EVERYTHING in because you can just come back whenever! Anyways, I cried during the whole parade because all my Disney memories rushed into my brain and my childhood heartstrings were all pulled. Disneyland is a magical place, the happiest place on earth, and I don't care how cheesy that sounds.
I'm SO thankful that 60 years ago, a man named Walt Disney had a marvelous plan, and used his imagination to turn that plan into an actual place. My life would've been very different if he hadn't!

~A Disney Loving Mormon Girl

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