Sunday, June 28, 2015

Rants of a "Fed-Up" Mormon Girl

Something that saddens me is how scared I am to post this. This is something that has always bothered me, but has been driving me especially bonkers as of late.
Last time I checked, everyone was entitled to believe in and state their own opinion. Nowhere has it ever been said that everyone needs to agree with and be completely happy with all of the choices that millions of different people, of all different types, who live all over the world, make. Frankly, that would be impossible. There is nothing that every person does exactly the same. That is why this world is so beautiful...there are so many differences between people, and places, and it makes everyone and everything unique and special. 
In the song "Every Kinda People" by Micky Green she says, "It takes every kind of people to make what life's about. It takes every kind of people to make the world go round." (didn't know this song until very recently, it's a good one!)


Can you imagine just how boring the world would be if we were all exactly the same? People are different, and they always will be. We LOOK different, SOUND different, have different opinions and different ways of doing things... But WHY does that somehow mean that we can't get along? 
Recently, with same-sex marriage being legalized in all 50 states, I have seen so many ridiculous arguments on Facebook that completely cross the line between sharing your opinion and just being a downright snob. On BOTH sides.
This breaks my heart. People are actually ending and ruining friendships over this. Personally, I don't think ANY kind of difference of opinion should be worth losing a friend over. OBVIOUSLY if you find a friend whose opinion is "murdering is okay as long as they deserve it" ... Maayyyybbbeeee you should end that friendship. But..... let's not be ridiculous.
Being a Mormon, and having been very involved in musical theatre most of my  life, I have a lot of different friends with lots of different opinions and ways of living. I have several friends who mean the WORLD to me who are gay. 
Ever since Proposition 8 took place in California in 2008, I have heard people say that "Mormons hate gays", well, honestly, that hurts, because it is just simply not true.

In The Family: A Proclamation to the World, a  statement issued in September 1995 by a modern day prophet, Gordon B. Hinckley...

                  GORDON B. HINCKLEY reads, "The family is ordained of God. Marriage between man and woman is essential to His eternal plan."

So yes, this is what I believe to be true. But, nowhere in this proclamation does it say "hate anyone who believes otherwise", if you don't believe me, read it for yourself. 


But I am not here to argue my opinion on that topic. The point of this post is very different. I just wish more people knew that you can remain friends with someone who believes or lives differently than you.

I actually had a really great talk about this with my friend the other day ... 


He came out about 2 years ago, and ya know what? I love him to pieces. He is one of my favorite people on this entire planet. We've been friends for about 7 years, and when he came out, nothing  about our friendship changed because he is my FRIEND, and I love him. That did not, and should not change based on anything I, or he, believes. Even with this whole controversy, we've remained as close as ever and I don't think that will ever change.

Now I'm not just here to talk about the same-sex controversy. This also has to do with religion, race, sexism, or any kind of politics. Honestly, I could not possibly care less about your political views, religion, race, or the gender you are attracted to. If you're a good person, I'll love you for who you are. 
It should be this way for everyone. So let's just stop with the hate. 
There is a difference between standing up for what you believe in and making snarky comments on a Facebook post. There is a difference between sharing your opinion and bashing someone else's. Saying "I AM RIGHT THERE IS NO OTHER WAY!" is just not an appropriate response to someone's opinion. There is a difference between a conversation and an argument. There is a difference between LOVE, and hate.
We, every single one of us, are children of a loving Heavenly Father...


So let's act that way.
Let's all do what we were taught and love one another, no matter what opinions they have. Treat others how you want to be treated. That's what we have been asked to do. 

-A Fed-Up Mormon Girl

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Rants of a "New-To-Blogging" Mormon Girl

So I thought for my first post on here I could give kind of a backstory of me. I guess you might wanna know at least a little bit about the person Well. I'll do it anyway ;)
So, I'm Savannah Love. My birth date is January 30, 1994. I was born and raised in Southern California, but lived/went to school in Northern California for a year.

So... I guess you could call me a "California Girl"

Or maybe that's just Katie Parry.

Shout-out to Katie Marie!

About 7 years ago, I was diagnosed with depression. About 7 MONTHS ago I was diagnosed with anxiety as well. I was having panic attacks, and could barely drag myself out of bed. I have struggled with a lot in my life, within myself, as well as with other people, and I've seen a lot of blog posts that have really helped me in one way or another. So, the other day, while I was talking to my best friend, she suggested to me that I start my own blog..... ------------>

 I think it will be really helpful for me to write things out when I'm overwhelmed with feelings, whatever feelings they may be. If I can help someone else along the way, that's an added bonus :)
I'm not usually a very open or trusting person, but I'm hoping to change that. I get embarrassed easily, but I don't WANT to care what others think. I'm on my own path to happiness and I'm doing all I can to not get lost on the way, or let anyone distract me from what matters. So, here I am. I now have a place to rant my feelings away. I think it will be fun. For me at least. Keep reading if you dare...

Aren't we the cutest?

My family means EVERYTHING to me. Though they sometimes drive me nuts, I would do absolutely anything for them in a heartbeat      .

I hated high school. I actually hated all of school except the one year of college I have under my belt. I am a very friendly person, but I really only have a few people that I consider myself very close to. Once I love you though, you probably can't get rid of me. I love too much, but that's not ALWAYS a bad thing.....right?

I am way too obsessed with Disney. That company just gives me all kinds of feelings and I just can't get enough.

I mean, look......anything Disney is just too perfect.

I'm very religious, but that doesn't mean I'm not friendly with people who aren't :) I recently returned from serving a mission for the church I was raised in, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, also known as the Mormon church. I served from April 2014 through April 2015 in the Utah Salt Lake City South Mission!

These are the boundaries when I was serving, they've since changed quite a bit.
I had so many wonderful and life-changing experiences on my mission. I also took LOTS of pictures. A lot of people may think I go over the top with pictures but...a picture's worth a thousand words and keeps your memories a bit more fresh.

That's where my heart has been ever since...Salt Lake City, Utah. 

I haven't always been an avid believer that there is a God, and that He loves me, but after all of my sufferings and learning experiences, and a lot lot lot lot LOT of prayer, I finally came to realize the truth, and that is what has helped me become who I am today.

I have a hard time letting things go, which is something I am working on. I get hurt easily, but I also forgive easily, sometimes way too easily. I'm sure many will agree that once you've been hurt purposely, a lot, there comes a point where it's hard to not always assume the worst; that everyone is TRYING to hurt you. Again, something I'm working on, and honestly I have gotten a lot better at handling this, which is definitely a step in the right direction :)

I was born to perform. I may not be the best there is, but there is nothing I love to do more than get up on a stage and perform. The thrill it gives me gets me through this crazy thing we call life. I can't explain it. You other theatre geeks will understand what I mean.
Gertrude McFuzz in "Seussical the Musical"

Mrs. Potts in "Beauty and the Beast"

Grace in "Annie"
Mayzie La Bird in "Seussical the Musical"

I guess those are the basic things you maybe wanna know about me? I'm not really used to talking about myself like this.
Well, I think this enough for my first post. I guess we'll wait and see what comes next :)
I hope you can get something out of these interesting rants of mine

Remember: you are important!

-A "New-To-Blogging" Mormon Girl