Thursday, June 25, 2015

Rants of a "New-To-Blogging" Mormon Girl

So I thought for my first post on here I could give kind of a backstory of me. I guess you might wanna know at least a little bit about the person Well. I'll do it anyway ;)
So, I'm Savannah Love. My birth date is January 30, 1994. I was born and raised in Southern California, but lived/went to school in Northern California for a year.

So... I guess you could call me a "California Girl"

Or maybe that's just Katie Parry.

Shout-out to Katie Marie!

About 7 years ago, I was diagnosed with depression. About 7 MONTHS ago I was diagnosed with anxiety as well. I was having panic attacks, and could barely drag myself out of bed. I have struggled with a lot in my life, within myself, as well as with other people, and I've seen a lot of blog posts that have really helped me in one way or another. So, the other day, while I was talking to my best friend, she suggested to me that I start my own blog..... ------------>

 I think it will be really helpful for me to write things out when I'm overwhelmed with feelings, whatever feelings they may be. If I can help someone else along the way, that's an added bonus :)
I'm not usually a very open or trusting person, but I'm hoping to change that. I get embarrassed easily, but I don't WANT to care what others think. I'm on my own path to happiness and I'm doing all I can to not get lost on the way, or let anyone distract me from what matters. So, here I am. I now have a place to rant my feelings away. I think it will be fun. For me at least. Keep reading if you dare...

Aren't we the cutest?

My family means EVERYTHING to me. Though they sometimes drive me nuts, I would do absolutely anything for them in a heartbeat      .

I hated high school. I actually hated all of school except the one year of college I have under my belt. I am a very friendly person, but I really only have a few people that I consider myself very close to. Once I love you though, you probably can't get rid of me. I love too much, but that's not ALWAYS a bad thing.....right?

I am way too obsessed with Disney. That company just gives me all kinds of feelings and I just can't get enough.

I mean, look......anything Disney is just too perfect.

I'm very religious, but that doesn't mean I'm not friendly with people who aren't :) I recently returned from serving a mission for the church I was raised in, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, also known as the Mormon church. I served from April 2014 through April 2015 in the Utah Salt Lake City South Mission!

These are the boundaries when I was serving, they've since changed quite a bit.
I had so many wonderful and life-changing experiences on my mission. I also took LOTS of pictures. A lot of people may think I go over the top with pictures but...a picture's worth a thousand words and keeps your memories a bit more fresh.

That's where my heart has been ever since...Salt Lake City, Utah. 

I haven't always been an avid believer that there is a God, and that He loves me, but after all of my sufferings and learning experiences, and a lot lot lot lot LOT of prayer, I finally came to realize the truth, and that is what has helped me become who I am today.

I have a hard time letting things go, which is something I am working on. I get hurt easily, but I also forgive easily, sometimes way too easily. I'm sure many will agree that once you've been hurt purposely, a lot, there comes a point where it's hard to not always assume the worst; that everyone is TRYING to hurt you. Again, something I'm working on, and honestly I have gotten a lot better at handling this, which is definitely a step in the right direction :)

I was born to perform. I may not be the best there is, but there is nothing I love to do more than get up on a stage and perform. The thrill it gives me gets me through this crazy thing we call life. I can't explain it. You other theatre geeks will understand what I mean.
Gertrude McFuzz in "Seussical the Musical"

Mrs. Potts in "Beauty and the Beast"

Grace in "Annie"
Mayzie La Bird in "Seussical the Musical"

I guess those are the basic things you maybe wanna know about me? I'm not really used to talking about myself like this.
Well, I think this enough for my first post. I guess we'll wait and see what comes next :)
I hope you can get something out of these interesting rants of mine

Remember: you are important!

-A "New-To-Blogging" Mormon Girl


  1. Mormon Girl! You are AMAZING!
    Thank you for sharing your story, love and friendship with me!
    I am so blessed to have you in my life, you help me DAILY!
